
Posts Tagged ‘faith’

I’ve known friends who have had major events change the routine of their daily life and I’ve often wondered how they establish a new normal. Well, this is what I am now experiencing first hand.

Amazingly, it is not as difficult as I thought it would be. Granted, it is not easy. It is tragic in all sense of the word. But it is also a time of new beginnings.

I feel it and so do the kids.

I see beauty in the outcome and sadness in the death, but my Father has been teaching me that there’s beauty in the process. That while a healed and whole family is a marvelous thing to behold, the process that got us there is where He is most glorified and where He draws us to Himself. Dreams die and plans change and seasons end, but He is not done yet.

As for my husband, he has moved out of his friend’s house and is now living with another woman. I have no idea what his relationship is to her, and I don’t want to know. This decision he made regarding his living arrangements further convinces me that I made the right choice in ending the nightmare my marriage had become. I still have hope that one day, his eyes will be opened to all he has lost and all he has done to cause that loss. Then maybe, he will be able to receive the help he needs. But until then, with God’s grace, I am moving forward towards health for myself and my children.

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The last one was so vivid. They are always the same ~ my husband moves back into the house. This morning I woke up thinking, “Thank God it was only a dream!” I have been having these dreams almost every night since he moved out.

We went to see my therapist last week – all 7 of us. Compared to the day we told the kids that “dad” was moving out, they were very quiet. Only speaking when answering a question and volunteering no information on their own. Giving very little indication of “how they are doing”.

My husband also acted so strange during the therapy session, doing most of the talking and saying several times that despite his circumstances, he felt “so blessed”. (?!) He told us that he lived in his car for a week, (yes, you read that right, he lived in his car!) until one of his friends took pity on him and invited him to stay in a guest room. Being true to his character of always wanting “all” or “nothing” he said to me privately that we either need to divorce or he is going to come back home.

Whatever strength I lacked in enforcing boundaries in my marriage up to this point, I lack no longer. I have told my husband that our separation does not have to end in divorce, but he should use this time away from the family as an opportunity to work on his personal issues. I will not consider a reconciliation until:

1) He receives counseling – he can not change his behavior long term if he doesn’t understand what drives it.
2) He repairs his relationship with my two older children – the damage he has done to them as an emotionally abusive father can never be undone, but I pray it can be healed.
3) We attend marriage/family therapy – we are a broken family and it has been that way long before the separation

This is such a bittersweet time for me, I’m not sure how much of it I will be able to write about. I am glad my husband has moved out and I feel such a sense of peace and renewal in our home. But at the same time, the ugliness that caused the situation looms nearby and the strength required of me now is elusive. I know it can not be my own strength, it must be His. I also know myself, and know I am not always the most faithful of followers. I tend to lean on Him only when I have no other choice.

As I stand on the precipice of a new season, I acknowledge I don’t know what is next. Whether I feel ready or not, I remind myself, He is ready and I have to be clinging to Him.

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” ‘I will not let You go until You bless me,’ was the tenacious, passionate motto of my youth. It was the ultimate challenge to God of how much I really wanted the things I said I did.”

I read these words from the blog “Mindspace” and everything stopped as I thought of the implication these words had for me. Yes, I have spent years praying for my marriage, but God knows my heart, and He knows I have not prayed for my husband with conviction, passion or faith in a long, (long) time.

“God then challenged me to acknowledge that as long as I didn’t pray for my husband, I had no right to complain, or be dissatisfied, or demand change . . . “

“It was like God was saying, ‘What kind of marriage do you really want? What kind of man are you really seeking for in your husband? How serious are you? How much do you really want it? Enough to go to therapy, read books on marriage and self improvement . . . But how about pray? You complain, analyze, are disappointed, disillusioned, ready to give up . . . while it is much more work to trust God’s timing, to stand your ground, to stay alert to Satan’s lies . . . Pray. Pray for the fathers you never had, the intimacy you’ve never seen modeled, the honesty and wholeness that is foreign to both of your families of origin.’ “

“He challenged me  to never open my mouth and complain if I am not willing to spend even a fraction of that time on my knees praying.”

” . . . And so I will pray. Not just for the sake of myself and my husband, but for my children, the new generation, I am praying for a new family history, a break in the sin of the forefathers, and a new level of health and wholeness for my family.” ~ Mindspace

Wow, huh? I am humbled by her words. How can I not be when they cut to the core of everything?

” . . . And so I will pray.”

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Often times, the things I know, the things of which I am certain, are outnumbered by all the things in my world which make no sense.

I am in one of those seasons now.

I have literally poured my life into my children, yet today, this family seems to show no evidence of that. And while there is no tangible comfort for me right now, I stand before God, in all my weakness and weariness, holding the only thing I have . . . . His strength.

Realizing that acknowledging is not the same as approving and that I must walk the painful road of maintaining God’s standards while I continue to love (ALL) my children.

Following God’s example, loving my wayward ones, always making room for the way back, without changing the standards of my own convictions.

Remembering that I am the right parent for my child because I know first hand the restoration of sexual brokenness through a relationship with Jesus.

Knowing that my child is not a mystery – that God has their instruction manual . . . And that God knows my heart, my motives and my dreams for these children. My children . . . my legacy.

Hebrews 12:12 So take a new grip with your tired hands and stand firm on your shaky legs. Mark out a straight path for your feet. Then those who follow you, though they are weak and lame, will not stumble and fall but will become strong.

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My favorite song right now:

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– Five children
– Four sons
– Two questioning their sexual orientation

How does this happen? . . . Can someone please explain this to me? . . .

How. Does. This. Happen?


My husband didn’t believe me. He compared our son to himself. Our son had mostly female friends, which my husband found completely normal. Especially since he often said he couldn’t relate to men himself and used that to justify his own many female friendships. I then sent my husband a copy of the e-mail.

I had to.

There was no denying the facts when he read our son’s own words saying he considered himself a gay atheist.

My husband agreed that we had to confront. We sat down with our son and told him “we knew”.
Our son began to cry.
I did too.
The phone rang.
My husband answered it.
He took the phone to the bedroom and stayed there for the rest of the evening.

So much damage. My son could barely speak through his tears as he sobbed of how hurt my husband’s actions were to him. How he wanted to be nothing like his father when he was grown.

My son and I spoke of the faith he had been raised to believe, but now discarded, because “God wasn’t real. For if He was, He wouldn’t create a boy who liked other boys, and then call it sin.” He confessed that he now calls himself an atheist, but feels like a sinner everyday.

We spoke of the fear that fueled the lies. He knew that he was loved, but was sure I “loved God more” and that my faith would force me to choose my God over my son.

So much heartbreak.

So much need for healing.

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The phone began ringing. We all looked to see if he would answer it.

“Please, no . . “ I silently pleaded.

“Please don’t get up . . . this is so much more important . . . just let the phone ring . . . pleeaasse.”


Several Days Earlier – My daughter was sitting at the family computer and called me over.

“Mom, I think you should see this,” she said.

I walked towards her and began reading over her shoulder. It was an e-mail correspondence between my second son and his classmate.

“How did you get access to this?” I asked.

“He left his Facebook open . . . ” she responded.

After reading the first few paragraphs, I knew I needed to be alone to read the rest of it, so I asked my daughter to copy and mail it to me. “Click, click.” Done.

There was dread in my whole being. How much more could our family take?

Later that evening, after everyone had gone to bed, I opened the e-mail and this is what I read:

Classmate: “Hey J! This might seem really random, but I just wanted to message you and tell you what a cool person I think you are. As my graduation deadline looms, I keep thinking about all the people I wish I had gotten to know but I didn’t have time to. You’re one of those people. I know I don’t have very long before I go off to college, but nonetheless, I’d love to get to know you better! You remind me a lot of myself at your age, and idk, I just thought I’d say hi. Sorry if this is odd for you! I’m kind of an odd one, haha

My Son: “No, it isn’t weird for me at all! You’re totally one of the only senior girls I have any shred of respect for. You’re really cool, and I totally wish we’d gotten to know each other better the past two years, but hey, better late than never, huh? Do I really remind you of yourself? That’s really amazing, because I hope one day I’m even half as awesome as you. I especially loved how you asked your girlfriend to prom over the announcements, you’ve really got guts! I’m sort of a chicken when it comes to that sort of stuff.”

Classmate: “Yeah, you do remind me of myself. And thank you, yeah, my girlfriend and I had been dating for 8 months when I asked her to prom in front of the whole school and I was a nervous wreck. As for you, well, some people are a little more shy, but there’s nothing wrong with that!”

My Son:I really need some advice from someone who’s gone through some of the stuff I’m going through. Sorry if this is awkward and choppy, but today’s been kinda frustrating for me. So I had been planning for a couple weeks to go to the pride parade today with my friends. We’d come up with this whole alibi for my parents, saying we were planning to go visit my friend’s church and then we would hang out in the city and then right back home. My parents were fine with the plan until this very morning when they discovered that the pride parade was today, and then they said that I couldn’t go to the city at all today. Did you ever have to deal with stuff like this?”

Classmate: “I didn’t know you were gay! Welcome to the club! It’s so much fun once you get to fully enjoy it. I am so glad you came to me for advice.”

“To answer your question, I do not have homophobic parents, but I do know what it’s like to be discriminated against, and I do know what it is to hide your sexuality from everyone you know for fear of that rejection. Honestly, it wasn’t that hard to lie to my parents, but you basically have to make yourself seem as innocuous as possible. The lie you came up with was a really good one, but you’re gonna have to think of even better ones, especially if you have/get a boyfriend.”

My Son:Thanks! I hope one day I do get to fully enjoy it. I just really can’t wait to move out. I’m so glad I came to you for advice too. You seem like a very wise person.”

“Yeah, I’m really afraid about being open about my sexuality at school; you’re exactly right, I’m afraid of people rejecting me and judging me before they even know me. Fortunately my parents aren’t very clued in to stuff like this, as they’re both conservative Christians. It makes it easier to pull stuff off. So what are some good ideas for líes? I’ve been with my boyfriend for three months and whenever we go out by ourselves I just tell them that I’m going in a group. Are they gonna get suspicious after a while?”

Classmate: “Yes, they will eventually become suspicious. I would start lying. Throw in other names of people you’re ‘hanging out with’. Only do this, though, when they become suspicious. No need to lie when you don’t have to, in my humble opinion. If they’re the type of homophobic parents that would kick you out of the house if they found out then you might need to take some even crazier measures to hide it until you can move to college.”

My Son: “I think I’m more suspicious of them becoming suspicious than they are actually suspicious. I already throw in names of people and name fake places we’re going and fake stuff we’re doing. But that’s not a good idea? I suppose you’re right, I should keep the lying to a minimum. I don’t think my parents would kick me out, but they might try to send me to pastors and stuff, so these righteous men could tell me about how I’m gonna go to hell after I die. But it’s fine. That wouldn’t scare me. I’m an atheist.

Classmate: “It’s not bad to lie like that: you’re watching your back. I think it’s good you’re hyper-aware. Just don’t over-do it. Don’t give them reason to suspect anything, ya dig? HAHAHA the atheist comment made me laugh. I don’t know how close you were to the big JC before you came to terms with the fact that you were gay, but I liked being close to God. Coming out, realizing that the Church hated me for what I am was too much. I haven’t been since, save holidays. It was heartbreaking.”

“I’m sorry you couldn’t go to Pride Parade this year. If you want, I can totally take you to the LBGT center when they have a cool thing going on there so that you can have a taste of what it is to be gay and proud. I know it’s hard right now. I know it is. I remember that part of my life, and it’s so easy to get lost in it. But you have taken the first few important steps: you have come out to people around you (I assume), and you are reaching out for some advice. I promise it will all get easier from here.”

My Son:I like that way of putting it. My boyfriend just calls me super paranoid, but with super conservative parents, it’s better safe than sorry. I’m so glad I’ve found someone I can relate to! I was such a little Jesus freak when I was little. I read the Bible, said my prayers, did all that jazz, and I seriously loved every second of it. People told me I was gonna be a pastor when I grew up. But now I have absolutely no belief in any such divine being. I agree, it was extraordinarily difficult, but at this point there’s no way I could ever go back to being a Christian. Are you still religious at all?”

“I would absolutely love to go to the LGBT center with you! Until now, I honestly had no idea there were centers for gay people. I would love that so much. And yes, it is really hard, but it’s so good to hear that it’s gonna get easier. Yeah, I have told my closest friends, but I am in desperate need of advice. I’m so glad it’ll get easier.”

Classmate: “I have a ton of gay/bi/lesbian friends and I know a bunch at school, too. If it would be helpful, you’re more than willing to come hang out with us and talk. I hope this helps. I am always free to talk.”

My Son:I would seriously love hanging out with you guys. Believe it not, but other than you and my boyfriend, I’ve only ever talked to two other gay teens. So I feel like I need to talk about this kind of stuff with people who understand what we’re going through. I try sharing this kind of stuff with my straight friends, but other than our mutual attraction to males, they just can’t really relate that well.”

Classmate: “There are lots of websites and meetings and such that help out people, especially teens, with being gay. It really will help to be around some people that are the same as you. I wish I’d had someone to show me the ropes when I was coming out.”

My Son:It’s so hard to see the big picture sometimes. I only have two more years at home, and then I have the whole rest of my life ahead of me. I feel like life will be happier when I can do what I want, be in an open relationship with the person I like, and be able to believe in whatever I actually believe in. It sounds too good to be true. Moving out is going to be like finally being released from prison. It can’t come soon enough. I definitely do need to talk to some more people like me.”

Classmate: “In 2 years, you’re gonna be a free bird. And it will go so fast, I promise. It can be scary for some people, but you don’t necessarily need to be scared; just aware. Does that make sense? Like, it’s all about making sure you’re living your life while still being safe and hidden. (if you need or want to be hidden)”

My Son: “Yeah, that makes perfect sense. I really enjoy my life right now. I’m open about it with my friends, but I just don’t want everyone in the whole wide world to know. Especially with my younger brother coming to my school as a freshmen next year…

“You are so awesome. I hope by the time I’m your age I can help and give other people advice too. I’m not sure I’d be as great as you though; I can really tell you like helping people.”


. . . He answered the phone.

Despite the fact that we were in the middle of a crucial parenting moment as we confronted and discussed our awareness of this e-mail with our son, and all that it implied, my husband answered the phone – walked away from the conversation – and didn’t return.

(to be continued)

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I recently spent 4 days alone. In virtual silence. Amidst the beauty of the mountains, I walked the trails, in awe as nature lived and breathed all around me, but mostly, I listened for answers.

And I received none.

God spoke, but not in the way I expected. I was both drained and refreshed. I cherished the isolation, yet yearned for company. I grieved, and I was comforted.

But I came home still having no idea what to do about my marriage.

While I was gone, my husband sent me this e-mail:

“You deserve a vacation. You are a devoted mother of five, who works extremely hard. I recognize it and so do the kids.”

“I know that when we communicate, I feel constantly accused, which is very difficult on me since I am not someone who has any desire to be close to anyone on any level – (emotionally or physically) other than you, my wife.”

“As I’ve said before, I take my marriage vows very seriously and feel that is not something that will ever change. Our marriage is not going to end because of me walking away.”

“I understand that it is disrespect you feel by my behavior. I am aware of your feelings, however, I am not seeking anyone’s friendship, nor have I ever been in a compromising situation seeking companionship.”


I had to read and re-read the e-mail in order to process all the emotions that his message incited.

The first read brought feelings of guilt. My husband’s words sounded sincere and, for a moment, the memory of all that had transpired between us was forgotten history. The weight of responsibility slowly began to creep upon me as I questioned why I couldn’t be a better wife. A wife deserving of my husband’s kindness.

With the second read, I couldn’t help but notice the presence of denying any unfaithful intentions or behavior, and the absence of acknowledging my issues with his trip to Arizona. Why was that? My feelings had been hurt by his lack of communication and from excluding me in his vacation plans. Yet, he chose to address an issue that had nothing to do with either one of those.

By the third time thru, I was angry. I began reading what was not written and raged over the fact that my feelings regarding the present issue were ignored and invalidated. Was it really that unreasonable for a wife to want to know that her husband is planning to take their children on vacation and have her feelings hurt when she finds out about it after its been planned? – Only to realize she has not been included in those plans.

And as I sat with the peace of God’s nature surrounding me, so opposite of the resentment churning within me, I had to question the spiritual aspect of my situation. Was the devil trying to destroy my marriage . . . Or was God allowing me to view it from a different perspective?

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I read about the goal of a Christian is to be more “Christ-like”, but what does that look like in real life? When are we to “turn the other cheek”? . . . When is “righteous anger” appropriate? – “Do we continue in sin because grace abounds? – Certainly not!”

My husband may never change. Am I willing to continue living the way things are?


But how do I stay married and find a way to live with his behavior? And how do I know the difference between God’s will and my own?


With my husband and 3 youngest sons gone on a vacation that was planned without me, I have been struggling with these and many other questions. I have had several e-mail conversations with my husband since they left – which is better than face to face conversations, since my anger is in a full blown rage right now.


Me: “I can’t believe that even after our last conversation about communication, I was still getting information about your trip from the kids, instead of from you. I can’t help but think that nothing I said got through to you.”

Him: “It seems everything I do or say makes you upset and I find it very sad. In light of that, as well as the fact that you weren’t going on the trip, I saw no reason to communicate the details to you.”

“I would have been more than happy to have you accompany us to Arizona, but I knew you were scheduled to work.”

Me: “You SAY you wanted me to come on this trip, but your actions said something completely different. I am so discouraged over the lack of change during the course of our marriage, and the bleak future ahead if the path we are on doesn’t change.”

Him: “It is just so unfortunate that this entire incident could have been prevented if you would just communicate with me in a more loving and understanding way. I am trying to not let it affect my health, but it is. I understand that you feel I don’t communicate well, but my behavior is usually a response to your behavior towards me.”

Me: I have reached a crossroad in our marriage where I no longer take responsibility for your behavior. I have done nothing to provoke or deserve your disregard for my feelings.”

Him: “It is MY feelings that are constantly being disregarded. You do not understand the daily struggles I face from financial difficulties and dealing with your children, not to mention the years I have been forced to interact with their father over his (lack of) financial responsibility. I am glad to say, that even with all of my imperfections, at least  I am not like the men from your past.”

Me: “You are out of line.”

Him: “I feel blessed and at peace to have a clear conscience in knowing that I am not ‘out of line.’ “

So that’s the state of things. I ended the conversation by telling my husband that I was going away for a few days to think about the future of our marriage. I need some serious quiet time to listen to what God wants from me right now.

Psalms 55:1-2, 6-8, 16, 20-22

Listen to my prayer, O God.
Do not ignore my cry for help!
Please listen and answer me,
for I am overwhelmed by my troubles . . .

Oh that I had wings like a dove;
then I would fly away and rest!
I would fly far away to the quiet of the wilderness.
How quickly I would escape – far from this wild storm of hatred . . .

But I will call on God and the Lord will rescue me . . .

And as for my companion, he betrayed his friends;
he broke his promises.
His words are as smooth as butter,
But in his heart is war.
His words are as soothing as lotion,
but underneath are daggers!

Give your burdens to the Lord,
and He will take care of you.

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As a little girl, I longed for a daddy to pick me up, swing me around, and tell me that I was special. That I was beautiful. That I was treasured. And most of all, that I was loved. But my daddy never swung me around with great delight, and he never said the words my heart desperately longed to hear. This rejection became adult emptiness and brokenness that made me doubt I was lovable.”

“Insecurities cut deep. Shame ran rampant. Desperation for acceptance drove me to seek out all kinds of misguided remedies . . . My primary remedy was finding someone or something that would make me feel secure and significant . . . I struggled with self-doubt and insecurity paralyzed me with thoughts such as:

‘I can’t do this’
‘Things will never change’
‘My life isn’t going to get better’

In my never-ending quest to find solutions for this difficult season, I’ve started reading a new book. A Confident Heart by Renee Swope.

I shared last week with my therapist that my current goals are to deal with the insecurities I feel about:

1) my appearance
2) my worth
3) my identity

None of which are new issues, but all are at the root of the areas of weakness that the devil tries to use (and often succeeds) in pre-occupying my thoughts and paralyzing me from positive action in my relationship with my husband.

I often hear the life stories of others and the difficulties they are enduring. That is when I realize just how busy the devil is in propagating lies and twisting the truth to cause us pain. But I also consider how although I am actively pursuing God, I am still so FAR from a life of victory and blessing. Instead, I am hanging on to my faith for dear life, grasping the hem of His garment with all my might, and hoping, He is holding on to me just as tightly.

The story of your life is the story of the long and brutal assault on your heart by the one who knows what you could be . . . And fears it.” – John Eldridge

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